Large Control Panel

£ 351 (excl Delivery + VAT)
Enquiries - | 01604 864 575 

We can provide the scoreboard you want!

While we offer a variety of standard designs, our service is most effective when we create a custom bespoke solution. Through consultations, we can identify client needs and provide cost-effective alternatives. We are bespoke only to your club.



Product detail

The controller has an easy-to-read display and is designed for intuitive operation. It is included with all Medium and Large Scoreboards.

  • Product Features:
    • It automatically increments the total when the batsman’s score or extras are increased and decreases the total when the score or extras are decreased.
    • A counter shows the number of runs added for each scoring shot.
    • Mistakes can be easily corrected, and all entries require a two-button operation to minimize accidental errors.
    • The partnership score automatically updates as runs are added.
    • Overs can be incremented or decremented as needed.
    • When a batsman is out:
      – The wickets are incremented.
      – The batsman’s score resets to zero.
      – The batsman’s score transfers to the last man’s score.
      – The partnership resets to zero.
      – The display for the last wicket shows the current total.
    • The controller comes supplied in a durable flight case with a handle for protection and easy transport.
    • It memorizes data immediately before a batsman is out, allowing for restoration in case of mistakes.
    • At the end of the innings, the total score transfers to the first innings, and the batsmen’s numbers reset to 1 and 2, with all other numbers reset to zero
    • The controller also remembers data immediately before the innings closed, enabling restoration if there’s an error.
    • The data output continuously updates the main scoreboard.
    • Umpires can acknowledge light signals.
    • The last entry is saved in memory, allowing the game to resume the following day (or week).

Contact us if you have any questions regarding the controller; if you would like an operating instructions handbook, please email us.


Large Control Panel

£ 351 (excl Delivery + VAT)
Enquiries - | 01604 864 575